Meet Our Team

We are a technology company based in Helsinki that specializes in facilitating live interaction between people and experts.

Join us on this captivating journey as we unlock the power of technology to preserve, share, and celebrate the beauty of cultural heritage. Let's bridge the gaps of time, distance, and accessibility, and ensure that the wonders of the world are accessible to all.

Please contact us on or call us on +358 40 5796205 for more information.

We value quality, aesthetics, efficiency, and user-friendliness.

Keep it Vreal!

Meet The Team

Johannes Söderström CEO
Oleksii Grygorenko CTO
Dhiraj Khot CBO
Kavita Sharma Head, India Operations
Laura Helovuori Expert - Education
Tina Hero Expert - Museum Solutions
Anni Laivvoranta Photographer, Finland
Ahmed El Bertaway Photographer, Egypt
Rahul Tripathi Photgrapher, India
Katri Vauhkonen Photgrapher, Finland
Simon Bergman Editor
Dinusha Prasadi Perera Marketing Intern
Visanka Ruwani Marketing Intern
Sri Vimeshka Hewa Marketing Intern
Nikita Nechiporenko Marketing Intern